Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall-O me in to the kitchen for Apple Cheesecake Pie!

    I had a few apples and a block of cream cheese I needed to use up, so I surfed the internet to find the perfect recipe..and boy did I ever! 
    I found myself on the Crisco website.  
    I promised you tried and true recipes! 
    I can honestly say that I have tried this recipe...
    and it is true-ly one of my favorites! 
    The creamy bottom with the apples and cinnamon on top...
    you won't need any ice-cream to top off this apple pie!
    Refrigerated Double Pie Crust
  (or you can make your own)
    Cheesecake Filling
    1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened 
    1 large egg 
    1 tablespoon apple juice 
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Apple Filling
    1/2 cup sugar 
    1 tablespoon cornstarch 
    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 
    1/4 teaspoon salt 
6 cups peeled, cored, sliced Jonathon or Granny Smith apples 
(about 2 lbs. or 4 large)
(I used 6 medium)
2 tablespoons butter
    Heat oven to 375*
 Place pie crust in 9-inch pie plate. 
Press to fit without stretching dough. Trim even with pie plate.
COMBINE cream cheese, 1/3 cup sugar, egg, apple juice
and vanilla in small bowl. 
Beat with electric mixer on medium speed until creamy. 
Spread evenly in unbaked pie crust. 

COMBINE 1/2 cup sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon
and salt in small bowl. 
Place apple slices in large bowl. 
Sprinkle with sugar mixture and toss to coat. 
Spoon over cheesecake filling in pie crust. 
Moisten pastry edge with water. 

Place pie crust dough on top.
Trim 1/2-inch beyond edge.
Fold top crust under bottom crust edge to seal. 
Crimp and flute edges.
Cut slits in top crust or prick with fork to allow steam to escape.
(do not forget this step...I learned by past experience!)

BAKE 60 to 65 minutes or until apples are tender
and crust is golden brown.
Cool completely on wire rack before serving. 
Store in refrigerator.


    1. Oh, Tina.....I can't wait to try this one! I'm really getting in the Autumn mood and I know this pie will do the trick this weekend! I'm a new follower from "Hop Till You Drop Friday" and I'd love to have you drop over to my place. I honestly can't wait to browse around your delicious looking blog! :)

      Elaine @

    2. YUMMO! :) This looks amazing and I writing it down! :)

      I'm a new follower and even just looking at your sidebars makes me want to eat a second dinner ;)


    3. Wow!
      i'm sure it's yummy!

      I'm your newest follower via GFC from the Friday Blog Hop.
      Please feel free to visit my blog. Looking forward to seeing you there, and hope you follow me back. Thanks!

    4. Omg, everything looks so yummy on your blog :P
      Thanks for stopping by, I'm following you back.

    5. TIna, I have apples awaiting this recipe. Can't wait. Thanks for sharing!

    6. I like your Blog! Yummy! I'm following your Blog! I hope your visit! Happy Weekend!


    7. Thanks for sharing the recipe Tina..

      I am a your new follower from the "Bloghop till you Drop". It would be great if you can join me at Nostalgic Marveling or Spice Up Your Life blog. Have a great weekend.

    8. Oh my goodness! This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

    9. The best of both worlds! Cream cheese and apple pie. I know my family would love this. You always have the best stuff and I am craving that Hot Milk Cake again!

    10. yea, i finally got me a goose berry cook book :D
      wow! I dont know what it was, i went to bed fineabout 11, then next morning i woke up not with my tummy hurting but kinda icky, I slept till like 5 pm.TY i am feeling better today :)
      For some reason I cant get logged onto internet with my comp, i am on my sons laptop. I called embarq pfff they were no help ...

    11. That pie looks so delicious! I just love my Gooseberry Patch cookbooks!


    Thank you for stopping by! Come back soon!