Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Giveaway!


*One of my favorite Gooseberry Patch cookbooks - Flavors of Fall
*Thanksgiving Recipes cookbooklet
*Two fall dish towels
*2 votive candles - Harvest Home and Autumn Spice
*And one of the cutest Fall mugs you've ever seen!

How do you enter? Leave a comment...ON THIS POST...or on Gramma's in the Kitchen facebook page, about your favorite Fall memory. It may be in the kitchen cooking with family, playing in the leaves, gathered around the table with family and friends, etc...THIS WILL BE ONE ENTRY.

SECOND ENTRY -Tell your friends about the giveaway. When they post a comment, TELLING ME WHO SENT THEM, you will be entered again...and they will be entered also.

The winner will be announced Monday, Nov. 14th! Good Luck to you all!


  1. Some of my favorite memories are from when my children were little and we would drive from Illinois to Texas. We would enjoy Thanksgiving with my mother-in-law. We still talk about the time when our son just reached with his hand into the mashed potato bowl to eat them.

  2. What a WONDERFUL giveaway Tina! One of my favorite memories was going to grandma's for thanksgiving and getting to experience all that AND snow too -- my daddy was in the navy and we lived in San Diego at that time -- no snow at home :)


  3. Favorite fall memory is of my daughter and her girlfriend making a fort with the ton of leaves and sticks, etc. They actually made it work. So cute. Thanks for the

  4. Lark's Country Heart sent

  5. I shared this giveaway on my fb

  6. My favorite fall memory?? hmmmmm... jumping in the leaves and taking walks in the forest with my dad. He would show us all kinds of wonderful things, trees, leaves, etc...

  7. Favorite Fall Memory...
    Cookin Thanksgiving Dinner with the family, busy time in the kitchen. My mom, sister (her kids)& brother come to my house for Thanksgiving & I love it, lots of memories to cherish.

  8. My favorite memory is everyone gathered around my Grandma's table with Grandaddy serving everyone.

  9. My favorite fall memory is the time our Thanksgiving pumpkin pie (unbaked) ended up on the floor upsidedown! It's a long detailed story-too long to write here but I'll just say that my mother never lived that one down! Someday I'll share the details :-) This is such a great giveaway; I would be so happy to win!! Thanks.

  10. My favorite fall memory is being able to spend Thanksgiving with my children, my husband,my dad and my grandparents in New York City. We came from all over to be together and it was a wonderful Thanksgiving for all :)

  11. My favorite memory was entering my grandmother's house smelling all the wonderful smells, knowing I wouldn't touch the raisin stuffing, having a little pie with a pile of whipped cream, the food, the football in the background, and taking a wonderful nap surrounded by the people I loved best. Holidays, food and family, that is security!

  12. My favorite fall memory is having my granddaughter come to stay with me on fall break and taking her to the pumpkin patch. We would paint the pumpkins and squash and even collect acorns and paint them as mini pumpkins. She's six years old and I will always cherish those memories.

  13. my favorite fall memory happens every year at dad in the kitchen making his famous stuffing & turkey. I had a bad seizure/stroke 6 1/2 yrs. ago, & had a rough time, I was in a coma & when I came to, the doctors asked what I would like & I told them my dad's turkey dinner...LOL. This was in February.LOL

  14. My favorite Fall Memory is being at my grandmothers house and it filled with all my family. Eating, cooking and catching up on the year and planning for Christmas. It was wonderful

  15. My favorite memory is having everyone gathered together around the table enjoying each others company and then playing board games afterwards!

  16. My favorite memory is sitting around the dining table with my Mother, Father and the rest of the family.....and my Mother could put some good food on the table.

  17. em: (from previous entry)

  18. My favorite fall memories are of my mom and I making Thanksgiving dinner in the kitchen while my girls and family played outside in the leaves. This was before she got sick with cancer. This will be my 2nd Thanksgiving without her and oh, how I miss her. It's just not the same. But I go on and try to make good memories for my girls.

    This is a lovely giveaway and bless you for being so generous to your readers!

    Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving.

  19. cooking with my grandma ,mom and sisters and spending time with my whole family

  20. Some of my favorite memories were from when I was little. The adults would rake up huge piles of leaves and I would go and jump in them and disappear! It was so much fun even though it became more work for the adults.

  21. One to my best memories is making my first Thanksgiving meal for my parents. My mom and dad we so proud. My dad carved the turkey and my mom was wowed by how wonderful the pumpkin pie and stuffing tasted..ever since then I have hosted them to say Thanks for all the years they made that meal for me and my kids.

  22. Would love to be able to give this as a gift to my favorite cousin who is a new collector...

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I was very young but boy this is a strong memory. My mom had made "Cinnamon Puffs" for Thanksgiving. This was on the night before. They were on the stove, still warm and I asked for one but was told no, they were for Thanksgiving. I remember sneaking to the stove several times and getting one each time and taking it to my room and eating it. I don't remember how many I ate but I was sooooo sick. I was so sick that I didn't get in trouble. Needless to say I did not eat Thanksgiving dinner that year. But the "cinnamon puffs" were very yummy!

  25. Fall is a great time!! It is the baking season time to make all those comfort foods you love.

  26. One of my best Fall memories is camping with my girl scout troop. Sitting by the fire eating smore to we are sick, walking in the woods looking for deer.

  27. One of my favorite memories from Thanksgiving is when my dad (who just passed away a year ago) would make a "gobble-gobble" sound like a turkey and all of us kids actually thought the turkey our mother was preparing was gobbling!

  28. My favorite fall memory is when i was a little girl and we would rake the leaves into a big pile then jump in them. That was so much fun.

  29. My most recent Fall memory was just last week when I was visiting my daughter, SIL and grandson in Brooklyn, NY. Took grandson (2-1/2 yrs old) to his neighborhood park & he sat in a pile of leaves and just threw handsfull of leaves up in the air & laughed, as I did too! Walking in Fall leaves is one of my favorite things too.

  30. My favorite memory was going to my grandma & grandpa's house at Thanksgiving. The whole family would be there. We snacked ALL day while everyone helped cook. Then we gathered around the huge table, told stories and ate dinner. Afterwards all of the girls played games like nerts and spoons and the guys would play pool and watch football, while enjoying all the homemade desserts. Great memories!

  31. My best memory was helping my mom do Thanksgiving from scratch, stuffing (with sage), macaroni and cheese mash potatoes and the slaw (using the wooden bowl)and sitting and smelling it all cooking and not being able to wait till it was done. The smell of the turkey with the dressing filled the whole house with the aroma. Love to do that again...

  32. My favorite memory of fall is the large family Thanksgivings we used to have at my aunt and uncle's house. They had a large house that was able to handle our two families + grandparents + few more people. Usually my aunt would prepare food that would feed between 24-30 people!!

  33. I would love to win this prize.. My family and I love the recipes from Gooseberry Patch..Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving..

  34. My favorite memory of fall is when the leaves are falling and dancing in the streets.

  35. My favorite Fall memory has got to be sitting at the kiddie table with my cousins at Thanksgiving. We always had so much fun being together, and the feeling of all of the family together sitting down for a meal was wonderful.

  36. We have some friends that used to make molasses out of sugar cane that they raised themselves. Every year they would let us know and we would make a trip up to the mountains and help them make it. Those were the best days. She would make lunch for everybody: Spam biscuits, molasses cake, etc. They didn't use the horses. They had gone modern and got the machine that squeezed the cane. After he passed away I think they may have made it one or two years more and then quit. She stills lives in the mountains and we see her every now and then. I remember we would always come home with a jar or two of the molasses we helped make. A lot of family traditions have died out because of the economy and kids venturing out to do other things. But we still have the past memories of those times in our hearts.

  37. Thanksgiving has always been a big affair growing up. The door was always for one more mouth to feed and to this day I follow what my mom started.

  38. I remember my dad being so excited about getting his turkey fryer. He fried the turkey every year after that. My favorite memory is the year my mom decided she was tired of fried turkey and wanted oven roasted again. We had two turkeys that year! Needless to say, I had a lot of leftovers to work with that year (not a bad thing)

  39. I remember as a kid my Uncle and his family would come over for a big Thanksgiving Day dinner then we would just relax the rest of the day. Boy do I miss those days!!!

  40. Going to my aunt Sally's for thanksgiving. The whole family, including all the cousins, etc. We traded holidays; everyone came to our home on Christmas Day.

  41. My favorite fall memories...taking long drives with the family and stopping at gas station to buy a treat (usually hot chocolate for the kids and coffee for dad!), and helping my grandmother with Thanksgiving dinner and making the pies. :)

    This is a lovely giveaway! Thank you!
    ~Miss Rachel~

  42. I shared about the giveaway with my friends! Hope they enter too! ;)

    ~Miss Rachel~

  43. My favorite Thanksgiving memory is being with all of my family from near and far. Enjoying the kids and having them make there Christmas lists it is just an all around good time. Playing cards after dinner is finished.

  44. I Love the Family time and our traditions! First thing in the AM the Macy's Day parade! We always ate real early and then around dark we started out christmas movies that are The grinch and Polar Express! Then we could heat up all the leftovers and eat again! We still do some of these things to this day, but this year we are staying home. And family is in NC. So it won't be that great this year but maybe next.....

  45. My favorite fall memories are when my mom made Thanksgiving dinner. Everything she made was full of love & always hot when it came to the dinner. The only thing she would do wrong was to burn the rolls! We always teased her about it, that it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without her burned rolls! Lol
    Now my sister, brothers & I take turns making dinner so my parents can relax & enjoy their time.

  46. My favorite fall memory is the last family camping tip until spring. We make the turkey and all of the fixings at camp. We do our own little gift exchange with extended family before the snow flies. Once dinner is over we keep the fire going and play trivia or cards. Each year I try to use new recipes for the side and dessert dishes and love the Gooseberry Patch books for these.

  47. My Favorite memories are of my mom in the kithen making pies and getting everything ready for the BEST Thasnksgiving Dinner..... I miss those days!

  48. Favorite fall memories....the smell of leaves burning. Back when they used to burn leaves. The Halloween parade at school. Such fun. And waiting for the pumpkin pie and whipped cream to hit the Thanksgiving table.

  49. What a neat giveaway for the Fall. Mine would be alot but my favorite would be every Halloween We would have homemade chili, pigs in a blanket and homemade pumpkin pie.
    Debbie P

  50. My favorite memory happened when I was a young bride. My grandmother purchased a turkey and had put it in the refrigerator to thaw. She brought it to our home for me to cook. It was [pretty frozen still, we all waited for hours and hours for that turkey to finally cook thoroughly. By the time it was ready, we all were counting blessings for that turkey many times over! I still remember that day every year.

  51. Favorite fall memories...start of school with all having new clothes. Pretty leaves falling from the trees, shuffling my feet through them when they piled together. The holidays with all the family getting together, awesome smells coming from the kitchen

  52. I love to drive around and look at the leaves.


  53. My favorite fall memory.. . .is from years ago when I was a child. We would go to my mother's brothers house in MS and on entire drive there I would look at the leaves changing on the trees and smell wood burning for the houses to stay warm. And I knew as soon as we hit the driveway that my cousins would have my cardboard box waiting on my to slide down the big hill in the front yard into a pile of leaves!!! Oh what fun!!!!!

  54. my favorite memory would getting my kids and my grandbabies ready for their 1st halloween and taking them all out tricker or treating!!!

  55. Growing up on a farm it was all about exploring the woods across the road from my house. It was great to go find great things throughout the year, but all those leaves were great! Thanksgiving was also a wonderful memory because my grandma would come to visit and make thanksgiving dinner. Getting woke up to the smell of stuffing and she made little samples for me to taste. :)

  56. My favorite Thanksgiving memory is going to my grandmas farm for Thanksgiving. The house smelled so yummy and the woodburning stove was sooo warm.

  57. my favorite memories are spending time with both my Grandmothers--they were both excellent cooks and I loved to help set the table and help them in the kitchen.

  58. Was about 12 and my Dad took my sister and I game-hunting on his friend's property. A bunny ran up by my Dad and sat down. Dad took several shots @ the bunny and missed. My sister & I were so excited. I still tell this story, it was so funny!

  59. My grandmother lived behind us as I was growing up. She was the true meaning of the word Grandma! She was always there for us and she always cooked our favorites for each of us. If you were having a bad day you could go see grandma and she always made you feel better. She would bake in this metal box that sat on the top of her stove. It worked great! When she passed away at the age of 97 the one thing I wanted the most was that metal baking box. I love to bake and when I use her metal box, I can still feel grandma beside me. She taught me so much that I now pass on to my own grandkids today.


  60. I remember taking my daughters over to my Mom's house to rake leaves into piles in the street and the final jumps they made where they were exhausted, but happy, head to head in the leaves. Of course I took pictures and captured the great memories.

  61. One of my favorite memories of the fall is cutting firewood and stacking it up for the winter with my husband and four sons when they were boys. We all shared in the work and finished in no time, but we had a good time looking forward to those warm fires we would have in the cold weather.
    Thanks, Dorothy

  62. My favorite fall memory is from when I was a little girl on our farm, everyone from both side, s of our families would come besides friends and people my parents knew and worked with so we would have at least 100 people at our house for a thanksgiving feast,we all ate outside,tables made of saw horses and plywood,with every kind of food you could think of, we had games like sac races, hide and seek, tug a war, and singing, wonderful memories

  63. I will bookmark this site so I can read it often. Would love to have the recipe book as I am a grandmother many times over. And I remember eating lutefisk at my grandma's at Christmas and many other Norwegian dishes through the year. Grandma's are so special!

  64. One of my favorite fall memories is thinking about all the different Thanksgiving Day "thanks-givings". I am part of a large family (70 people) and every Thanksgiving after everyone has finished eating, we all take turns talking about the things we are thankful for! Such a great time each year! -

  65. I have many favorite fall memories--all associated with my "Papa": making popcorn balls with him...shelling nuts...harvesting pumpkins and winter squash..and reading the poems that he wrote about his favorite time of the year.

  66. My favorite fall memory is when me and my little brother were just kids and my parents were still together. We had a huge thanksgiving and my grandma was there, who I loved dearly. (she passed away a few years ago.) It was such a perfect time... So many things have changed! It's a bitter sweet memory.

  67. My favorite fall memory is coming home from school on Halloween and trick or treating with my friends. We would all go in a group and go from house to house for several blocks. We always which houses gave out the 'best candy'. I remember there being SO many kids trick or treating, not like these day when there are so few. A night our dads would drive us to other friends houses to trick or treat.

  68. My favorite fall memory is grandpa in the cookshack cooking. Aunts, uncles, cousins, mom, dad, brother, sisters and I all gathered around the tables under the trees visiting, then later eating. Grandpa, mom, dad, aunts and uncles are all gone now, but the good memories remain! Teri

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. My favorite fall memories include attending football games and those days on the college campuses! There is just something about those crisp fall days, the changing leaves and new sweaters and sweatshirts!

  71. Maryanna Foster "MeMe"November 10, 2011 at 3:19 PM

    This is my first trip to Grandma's Kitchen, sure hope I do this right, would love the give-away, it's so pretty.
    My favorite memories are when our grandson was 2 years old, and he helped "Pop" rake leaves in the fall. He had his own little rake & wheelbarrow, just like "Pop's" he worked so hard!!! He will be 21 in may and is going into the Marines on Dec. 11, I look at those pictures and wonder where all the time went?? Makes me cry!!!
    Maryanna Foster "MeMe"

  72. My favorite fall memory was on Thanksgiving many years ago, when my dad whispered to me that he wanted me to make the pumpkin pies from now on because my sister's pie tasted like scrambled eggs. I chuckle every time I eat pumpkin pie now and remember his request. I really miss his beautiful prayers at all of our family get togethers!

  73. WOW- Tina what a lovely give away.My favourite fall memory.... Originally from Michigan, my great Aunt and Uncle had a house up north where they had Apple Orchards. Every fall we would drive up for a visit. Spend one day picking delicious apples and the next day in the kitchen baking pies,cookies, or making apple sauce. Sadly I no longer live in MIchigan. I live in a city in England....but the love,laughter and fun that we had whilst in the kitchen, I have tried to carry on with my 3 children. Even if it is using apples from the Farmer's market and not hand picked from the orchards. What wonderful memories.

  74. My favorite memory is cooking with my mom, even as a young girl, we all had a "job" to do in the kitchen and she was so patient with us. Great memories of times past.

    Debbie Kay

  75. My favorite memory is going to my aunt's for Thanksgiving every year. Now, year's later she comes to our home for the holiday. Sylvia

  76. My favorite memory is with my mom and aunt making thanksgiving dinner and then having all the family gather around for dinner when it was finished! Its about the only time of the year that we all get together like that so it is really nice!

  77. so happy I found this site! my favorite memory is gathering with my grandparents around the kitchen table for dinner with the family. brings a smile to my face to remember times with them.


  78. my favorite fall memory... well here on Long Island fall is Peconic Bay scallop season and my Dad was a bayman and my family would open the scallops in the "scallop shop/garage,being the only girl and my mother out opening scallops too, I helped with cooking dinner which and loved the quiet of the house was the best. Every fall I remember this!!

  79. My favorite memory is spending time with my family on thanksgiving. Watching the leaves color change.

  80. It's this time of year that I miss my gramma most of all. Since I was little, she would involve me in holiday preparations. Little hands that would squeeze the cream cheese mix onto celery sticks and make her squeal that those celery sticks were the most beautiful she had ever seen. And each year learning something new to prepare for dinner. Gramma, that's my favorite memory!

  81. My favorite memory of Thanksgiving is going to my grandma's, eating lots of homemade noodles and dressing. Most importantly were her homemade yeast rolls. She always made a double batch so everyone could take them home I do these things for my own family now, and they look forward to the day as much as I did.

  82. Autumn is my favorite season. I love when the air starts getting crisp and the leaves change colors. When pumpkins are being displayed and the crockpot comes out and the fall baking begins. When the smells of the season are all around. I love the beautiful colors this time of year. I collect pumpkins (because I was born on Halloween) and I always pick up several new pieces to display. I love Autumn so much that my house is decorated with pumpkins and all things Autumn so I can enjoy it year round. Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

  83. This time of year always makes me crave pumpkin a little girl I looked forward to finding the best pumpkins filled with the most seeds.....our chubby little arms would be orange by the time we were done getting all the seeds out; then mom and grandma would roast them in the oven....what a wonderful smell.

  84. One of our special memories was what we called "catch a leaf" day. We would go outside on one of the warm windy days and try to catch the falling leaves. One fall my two girls and I also made a special booklet on Christopher Columbus and glued different spices to the pages. Now every time I smell those spices I remember the fun time we had making that booklet!

  85. Grandma Bonnie ( 10, 2011 at 5:47 PM

    My favorite fall memory is the birth of my first grandchild. Since then I have taken his picture standing in front of a beautiful maple tree. He's now 25 and both he and the tree are a lot taller.

  86. Favorite fall memory. Going to the fall fair over thanksgiving every year.

  87. mary sullivan charnotaNovember 10, 2011 at 6:18 PM

    My fondest Thanksgiving memories date back to the 50s and 60s.For twenty years we truly celebrated a REAL thanksgiving dinner .My dad met ELI an Indian who didn t have any family in Chicago and no where to go for dinner so my dad brought him home and the rest was history....

  88. One of my favorite fall memories is when me and my family went paddle boating at the state park. We went in October, so the trees were gorgous!! It was the most beautiful day, and I took LOTS of pictures while I was out on the water.
    Molly J.

  89. I like the smell of burning leaves and a cup of hot chocolate when done.

  90. Hi Tina, wow, I love giveaways that cause me to reflect on wonderful memories! My favorite fall memories are when I lived back in Wisconsin and we would have one of the warm but still cool Indian Summer days. Me and my two boys, then little, little, would spend the day raking and playing in the leaves. Then sitting around a pitfire with hot cocoa, marshmellows, weinees on a stick and just laugh and giggle ourselves silly telling stories and telling fart and booger jokes (sorry,you know how these are so funny to little kids) Then mom would play favorite songs on the guitar until we were getting too chilly to stay out. We might take one more look at the stars through our telescope, make hand shadows and head into the house to make dinner. sniff...i miss my boys. (22 and 23 now) arlene Marie Pitts

  91. Tina, what a wonderful giveaway, the candles, the towels, the mug, the books, sigh so lovely, Makes me want to cuddleup by the fire. thank you! arlene Marie Pitts

  92. My favorite fall memory was growing up and watching my mother cook Thanksgiving Dinner and all the family gathered in the house filled with laughter and love.

    Robin McDonald

  93. we live in the country with corn fields and farms in every direction. my favorite fall memories are of my husband, our kids and myself sitting around a crackling campfire in our back yard. The air is crisp and the skies are clear and brilliant with stars. autumn is my favorite time of year.

  94. My favorite fall memory is when i taught my 6 year old son to make pumpkin pie..Hes now 16 and bakes the pies every year!! Hes very good at it and its fun too be in the kitchen together.

  95. I can tell Autumn is approaching when the light changes ever so slightly. There is a different cast to the shadows. The slight chill in the air promises great adventures in the kitchen. Pumpkin is my favorite fall flavor and scent and color. Halloween and Thanksgiving are great times to share family togetherness and love.

  96. When I was young, my Grand-parents would come over to our house for Thanksgiving. My Dad and Mom had been cooking all day. My Dad would very patiently make the Fruit Salad. My Grand-Father would always throw 50 cent pieces under the dining table for us to find. I would call them "BIG NICKELS". They are no longer with us, and neither is my Father. My Mother does not cook anymore, she has Alzheimers. I miss those times, and miss my family. Have a very Blessed day.

  97. Favorite memories of Fall...waiting for the leaves to turn to all of there beautiful colors, Raking, playing in and then burning those leaves. Halloween when trick or treat was safe and so much fun. Thanksgiving dinner with all the wonderful smells and tastes with family all gathered together around the table laughing and telling stories. favorite time of year.

  98. My favorite memories of fall are walking around at the various fall festivals, eating the goodies and checking out the crafts and

  99. My favorite fall memories are the sensory ones... the crisp wonderful smell of the chill air, the sound of the leaves, the smell of apples.

  100. My favorite fall memory is going over my mom's for Thanksgiving dinner and helping her make everything. Fall is my favorite time of year.

  101. Memories at Thanksgiving? Of course it's the memory of how much food we consume as a family. Sometimes it's unbelievable....

  102. My fondest memory of my Grandmother for the holidays was her cooking in her quaint kitchen. I would get to help by setting the table. When it was time to eat, she had this precious, little bell that sat on her window was my job to ring the bell to call the family in to dinner. :-) I love and miss her so I am the Grandma now. May traditions live on in our homes forever.

  103. I always enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family. Cooking all day always paid off when we all got to eat together. I also enjoy trying new recipes too.

  104. My favorite fall memory is the oak and sycamore trees that dropped tons of leaves all over the yards where I grew up. I'll never forget the smell of the leaves even though I moved somewhere where we don't have those lovely trees. I miss them!

    Thanks for the generous giveaway!
    Blessings from Jessica

  105. pushing my baby's stroller through the thick carpet of leaves on the sidewalk at

  106. My favorite memory is marrying my best friend on a beautiful fall day 20 years ago. He's still my best friend and the best hubby and father anyone could ask for. I was sent here by my mom, Grandma Bonnie. My e-mail is and hers is Thanks for the giveaway. I love Gooseberry!

  107. My mom sent me here to say hello and get another entry for a cookbook. My favorite memory of fall is eating thanksgiving dinner. Mom made it with everything and we'd eat like all day. is my mom, Arlene Marie Pitts, I am cj her son.

  108. I'm not sure what i'm doing here. Give my mom another entry for a recipe book and stuff. my name is Gabe Pitts and I am Arlene Pitts son, Gabriel email My mom's email is She also goes by Arlene Marie Pitts

  109. Hi and thanks for the chance to win such an awesome and generous giveaway.
    I LOVE Gooseberry cookbooks.

    Fall was always when we raked our yard together as a family. Dad would rake the leaves in piles and before setting fire to them (back IN THE DAY), we would jump and roll all over those piles. Such fun...Great memories.

    No one sent me over...I came to say thanks for stopping by my place. I am taking your button to my sidebar.
    xoxo bj


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