Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall-O me in to the kitchen for Dinner Rolls

Do you own a bread machine? 
I have owned the same bread machine for about 17 yrs. For years, I used it daily, but now that the kids are grown, I use it about once a week. But, if you were to ask me which appliance I could not live without...this bread machine would be it!
It only takes about 1 1/2 hours to prepare a batch of dough in my machine.
I don't usually make a loaf of bread in the machine. I take the dough out and place it in a greased loaf pan and bake it on 375* until the bread is a beautiful golden brown. My family loves grilled cheese sandwiches with my 'home-made' bread!
For meals, I use the dough for dinner rolls. They turn out so moist and fluffy. I get a lot of compliments on my rolls. 
What doesn't get eaten at the meal, is usually eaten as a snack later on. They don't last very long at my house!

Dinner Rolls

1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 tsp salt
4 cups all purpose or bread flour
1 pkg active dry yeast (2 1/4 tsp)

Put ingredients in your bread machine pan in the order listed.
Put on dough setting.

Preheat oven to 375*.
Pull dough, a little at a time, from bread pan. Form in to balls. (bigger than a golf ball, but not as big as a baseball)
Place dough balls on greased baking sheet. (I use non-stick spray)

Place the baking sheet on the stove top. Allow rolls to rise for about 15 minutes.
Place on middle rack in the oven and bake until tops of rolls are golden brown. Normally about 15 - 20 minutes.
Brush the top of rolls with melted butter and ENJOY!

These rolls are huge. If you want them smaller, you can make smaller dough balls, but they won't need to bake as long...usually about 10 minutes.


  1. Tina -- this is exactly how I do my bread and rolls and my hard working Breadman has been in service to me for about 15 years!! Low carbing and only 1 kiddo at home means not much bread or rolls at my house these days but I still do rolls when we have company :)


  2. I'm the same as you! Love my bread machine and always use the dough cycle and bake in the oven. My grandma used to make hamburger buns, just do exactly what you did above and lay another cookie sheet on top of dough while it rises. Take it off and bake. Cut in half and there you go! I've never tried it but have watched her many times.

  3. Now I feel like I *need* to have a bread machine (maybe for Christmas?) YUM!!

  4. I would rather eat bread than dessert! This is very much like my favorite roll recipe! Now I'm hungry for some! Pass me the rolls! heehee! ♥

  5. Success ! Even this ole Yankee girl could do it ! My hillbilly husband now thinks I'm a goddess ! Thank you so much for this recipe.

  6. I'm so happy the rolls turned out so well for you! I'll be posting the recipe for the cinnamon rolls that I make with this dough soon.

  7. I used to have a bread machine, but I didn't like any of the bread that was made. Never thought about taking the dough out and baking in the oven...but that was over 10 years ago..younger days. This recipe makes me want another machine!

  8. Just made these.... And they were Wonderful!!! I will definitely make these my do to rolls from now on. Thanks!

  9. Ooooops! Meant GO TO Rolls.....


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