Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pear Bread!

My son has a pear tree in his back yard. They are the most juiciest pears I've ever eaten. There is no clean way to eat them because the juices run out all over your hand with each bite. My granddaughters are a mess after eating one pear!

My son has used most of them in preserves or given them away but, of course, Momma has to have her share too!

So you ask, what do I do with them? I bake Pear Bread! This recipe makes 2 loaves, so I always have an extra loaf to give away!

Pear Bread

1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups granulated sugar
3 eggs
2 1/2 cups pears - peeled, cored and chopped
1 cup chopped pecans
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350*. Lightly grease two 8x4 inch loaf pans.

In large mixing bowl combine oil, sugar and eggs, beat well. Stir in pears, pecans and vanilla. 

In another bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir dry ingredients into the pear mixture; mix well. 

Pour batter into prepared loaf pans

Bake in preheated oven for 60 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a loaf comes out clean. 

Allow loaves to cool in pans for 10 minutes before moving to a wire rack to cool completely

Serve warm, smothered in butter! YUM!
Taste great cold too!
Perfect snack or served with breakfast!


  1. Oh, Tina -- this looks wonderful!! YUM :)


  2. I've never heard of pear bread. Thank you!

  3. I love pears and this looks YUMMY Tina! Blessings,

  4. That looks amazing! Feel free to send me a loaf anytime :)

  5. Oh warm with butter... YUM!!! My mouth is actually watering right now. Take care, Chickadee!

  6. I love your holiday countdowns! I'm ready for the holidays! Your pear bread looks delicious. I make a lot of apple desserts but never think about the pear. It's a neglected fruit...I think I need to try some pear recipes. Thanks for sharing on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  7. I've never heard of pear bread before but it sure looks yummy....and I love pears!
    Marianne :)

  8. And I love your Holiday countdown!

    Marianne :)


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