Thursday, August 25, 2011

My friend.....and her Apple Butter Cake!

If you haven't met Gail at Faithfulness Farm, then you need to head on over to her blog now! Well, okay..wait until you finish reading mine first.

Let me tell you a little bit about her. She was the first blogging friend I made when I first started blogging. She's a wonderful, Christian woman who puts God and her family first. I like that in a person. And she loves to cook!
She's been my prayer warrior since day one. I didn't even ask her to pray for me when I was going through my cancer surgery...she just let me know that she was! One day we will meet...and I can't wait!

She has posted a wonderful recipe on her blog today for her Grandma Mae's Apple Butter Cake. I can't wait to make this cake! When, I do, I will share it with you. But, first I wanted to share her with you.

She's also having a wonderful giveaway!
So, head on over and pay her a visit now.
You'll be glad you did!


  1. I need the recipe for that wonderful Apple Butter cake.. let me go to your friends site and find it!! Thanks so much for your visit to my blog today and it's ok to "Let Fall Begin"

  2. Tian -- you are such a sweetheart, dear friend!! Thank you for the shout-out!


  3. This is the sweetest post. Here I was going to tell you give it up girlfriend, I'm going to win Gail's giveaway and then I read this post. :)


Thank you for stopping by! Come back soon!