Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chicken Quesa-jitas

I don't know about you, but when it's hot outside, I don't like to heat up the kitchen. I try not to use my oven as much as possible. I have a toaster oven and a George Foreman Grill that I use as often as I can. I also use my sandwich maker...especially for meals like this one!

I try not to buy pre-cooked meats, but if they are on sale and it's going to save me money, as well as time...well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Quick and Easy Chicken Quesa-jitas
Grilled Chicken Strips
Fajita seasoning of choice
Flour tortillas
Onion and Bell Pepper, sliced thin

You can use as much of each ingredient as needed for you and your family and save the rest for later. This bag of Grilled Strips made 7 Quesa-jitas...only because the men in my house are meat eaters! I can't skimp when it comes to putting meat in their Quesa-jitas like I do mine.

Put your chicken strips (2 per Quesa-jita) on a plate and heat in microwave as per instructions on the package.
Slice up a little bit of onion and bell pepper (if you don't already have them sliced and frozen in a ziplock bag in the freezer for more added convenience).
In a skillet, over medium heat, add a dab of oil and the onion and bell pepper slices.

Saute' the onions and peppers until they are soft. I stir in a teaspoon full of brown sugar to add a little bit of sweetness.

In another skillet, add chicken strips and fajita seasoning of choice...just enough to coat chicken. Mix together and cook until heated through...about 3 minutes.

 Spray sandwich maker with non-stick spray. If you do not own a sandwich maker, then you can use a non-stick skillet, sprayed with non-stick spray, set on medium heat.
Set tortilla on sandwich maker, as shown. Add chicken mixture, onion and peppers, then mexi-cheese. Pull other half of tortilla over first half and close and seal the lid.  Heat for approx 3 - 4 minutes.
Cook the same way in a skillet, except after about 2 - 3 minutes you will need to carefully turn the fajita over to cook the other side. Remove and set on plate.

Cover with or dip in Salsa and Sour Cream!

This was mine...not so fully loaded...

This one belonged to one of the men folk....FULLY LOADED! Where o' where do they put it?

Keep it 'cool'!
(pardon the pun..hehe)

Happy Eating!


  1. One of my husband's favorites! I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Tina! I found your blog via Gooseberry Patch blog hop. My boys would love this recipe! Stop by Comfy Cuisine when you get a chance. Your newest follower! :o)

  3. The sandwich maker...another great tool to keep your kitchen cool! Hey, that rhymed. :) Thanks for joining in the hop, Tina!

  4. What a great idea, the recipe and the sandwich maker! I made meatloaf one night this week and paid the price with a hot house even tho the air was on. Loving all your great Grandma recipes... we have to serve these type of meals or our grandkids won't have the great memories!

  5. These look deee-licious. I do the same thing. Run my crockpot in the service porch and no oven if I can help it. Lots of grilling.

  6. These look deee-licious. I do the same factor. Run my crockpot in the support patio and no stove if I can help it. Plenty of cooking.Cheap D3 Gold
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