Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nutrition for Kids

I've come across another freebie download at Grandma's Guide to Life
(Just can't get enough free stuff!) 
I needed this too! 
We are eating much healthier these days and when my grandchildren come to visit, they don't always want to eat what I cook.
They've always loved my cooking, but now
what I hear is "that looks pretty gross, Gramma!" 
Don't you just love kids and their honesty? 
What's not to love about grilled Salmon and steamed vegies? 
They've always loved my 'home-made' grilled cheese sandwiches. 
But they can read pretty good now. 
And when they saw the 7 grain whole wheat bread, 
0 Trans fat butter spray, 
then read the words "FAT FREE" on the package of cheese....
well, needless to say, they decided against eating 
grilled cheese sandwiches that day.
This booklet has some great healthy recipes for the kiddos that I know 
I'm going to try when my grandchildren come to visit!
I may just have to eat some of it myself!

for your free download!


  1. Tina thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment! I am so glad you did because it lead me to your wonderful blog. I will definitely be downloading this cause I have one picky eater on my hands that could use more nutrition!

  2. My little boy is a terrible eater (sadly, we are not very good role models for him). This will come in handy with him. Thanks. Oh, and thanks for stopping by and "visiting" with me today. I hope you have a good time on your trip in a few weeks. Maybe you'll stay drier than I did. LOL


Thank you for stopping by! Come back soon!