Sunday, May 8, 2011

~New Blog Launch w/ "Name that Recipe" contest!~

Some of you may already follow me on my other blog aka Gramma. But, I have decided to launch this new blog so I can post only recipes! I'm actually pretty excited about it! I have a list of tried and true recipes I want to share with you already!
I love trying new products. When I find something I like, I love to tell others about it! That's where this blog will come in. I do cook most of my family's meals from scratch. But, sometimes I like to use packaged or frozen foods for the convenience. I know that many of you lead a pretty busy life and don't always have the time to cook a full meal from scratch. So, these product reviews are to help you make a tasty home cooked meal that tastes like you've slaved in the kitchen all day!

So, here we go! My first post for this blog is a contest!

I was on my way to the grocery store the other day and I started to think about a new recipe. I sat in the car and thought about it for a while, then headed in to pick up the ingredients that I didn't already have at home. It turned out to be a cheesy potato dish.  And my family loved it!
But, I have a problem...and I thought that maybe you could help. I don't have a name for this dish. I want to submit the recipe in to Gooseberry Patch, but I'll have to give it a name first. My son, hubby and I tried to come up with a name, but we couldn't all agree. So, here's where you come in. Take a look at the recipe below, think about it, prepare it if you'd like, then tell me what you think I should name it. It's very of those quick and easy recipes.

This contest will close at 10 p.m. on this Friday, May 13th.  The winner will be announced/notified on Saturday, the 14th. I will write down all the recipe names, that you've submitted, and let my son and hubby chose which one they like. The person who submitted the chosen name will win  a copy of Mom's Very Best Recipes from Gooseberry Patch!  I just happen to have two recipes published in this cookbook! And to top it off...the sweet ladies from Gooseberry Patch, JoAnn and Vickie, have graciously autographed the cookbook for you! Now what do you think about that?

So, put your thinking caps on....Here's the recipe.

5 cups red-skinned potatoes, cut up in to 1 1/2 inch pieces
2 TBSP butter/margarine, divided  (I use Parkay spray because it has 0 Trans Fat!)
2 1/2 cups Seasoning Blend (you'll most likely have to purchase the 12oz pkg)
1 cup mushrooms, cut in to 1/4 inch slices
1 cup real bacon pieces
1 1/2 TBSP Cajun Seasoning
1 1/2 cups Cheddar Jack cheese

Boil potatoes until just done. Drain, return to pan, then add 1 TBSP of butter.
Stir, just until mixed together.

In a medium size skillet, heat one tablespoon of butter.
Add seasoning blend and mushrooms and saute until veggies are soft.

Stir in Cajun Seasoning and bacon pieces. Remove from heat.

Add the veggies to the potatoes, stirring carefully so you don't mash the potatoes.
Pour potato mixture into an 8x8 baking dish. (no need to use non-stick spray)

Sprinkle cheese over the top of the potatoes.
Heat in the microwave, on high (less heat in the kitchen!) for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, until cheese is melted.

 And here it no-name potatoes!

 To enter the contest: leave a comment and let me know that you are a new follower and share the name you have chosen for my recipe. My hubby and son will chose the winning name. If by chance you chose the same name as another follower and your recipe name is chosen, your name will be entered in a drawing. If you are following on facebook (Networked Blogs), please leave your leave your first name and last initial and I will contact you on facebook. I will hold the prize for 24 hours. If the winner has not contacted me by then, another winner will be chosen.

Contest will end at 10 p.m. on Friday, May 13th and winner will be posted on Saturday, May 14th.

(Just a little FYI--Seasoning Blend is a combination of chopped onions, celery, green and red peppers and seasoned with parsley flakes. This would be easy to prepare on your own. I usually have the vegies already cut up and stored in freezer bags in the freezer. The Seasoning Blend has been on sale and is convenient, especially on nights that we have softball practice or games. So, it's up to you...2 1/2 cups...fresh or frozen!)


  1. Hi Tina! My name for this recipe is "Zippy Cajun Taters!" This sounds pretty good! I will have to give this a try some time.

  2. I like this recipe. The name I have for this is
    "Cajun Reds Cheesy Goolosh.

    My name is: Ann Crane

  3. I vote for Veggie Cajun Casserole.

    *It looks and sounds wonderful!


  4. Looks about "Mama's Tater Babies"
    looks like a fun blog! :D

  5. I think you should call it. I have a new name too!
    Quick Tator Mash

  6. It looks delicious. I can't come up with anything but I will come back if I do!

  7. Loaded Cajun Potatoes! Happy to be following your new blog, Tina!

  8. I think Yummo Potatoes. I am a new follower.


  9. Hi tina I am a new follower I'm thinking "Mardi Gras Potatoes"

  10. Wow! Those are some great recipe names so far! My hubby and son are going to have a hard time choosing!

  11. Loaded Baked Potato Casserole.
    (And now I'm hungry.)

  12. Yes you are Leslie..those are good names! You make me laugh!

  13. I'll Have More Potatoes

    That is the first thought that came into my mind!

  14. Momma's Heavenly Taters


  15. My name for the recipe is
    Moms Tater Surprise


  16. Good Morning~
    Wonderful recipe!

    "Gramma's Cajun & Spice & Everything Nice Potatoes"

  17. I love this recipe. Can't wait to try it. I like the name Cheesy Cajun Tators.

  18. How about Bayou Cheesy Potatoes?
    Love the recipes and can't wait to try them.
    Thank you


Thank you for stopping by! Come back soon!